Article is intended for
- Reseller
- Installer
- End-user
What is this article about?
Successfully launching a new system goes beyond just programming and installation; it necessitates thorough communication with the end users—the individuals who will interact with the system daily. They need to be well-informed about what the system does, when it will be active, and how to use it. Overlooking this essential step can result in user dissatisfaction, frequently caused by a lack of crucial information before the system goes live.
This guide is crafted to support you—whether you are a reseller, installer, residential property manager, or property administrator—in effectively preparing and accommodating end users. Our objective is to ensure that everyone involved has a seamless and positive experience right from the start.
Step 1 - Inform the tenants
The system being installed, whether it's an intercom or an access control system, is new to everyone. The tenants may not know how to operate it, and without proper information, misunderstandings can easily arise. To prevent this, we have selected specific articles that will be most beneficial for all tenants. It is crucial that the tenants receive this information before you, as the installer, begin programming. Remember that the activation code will be sent out immediately after you add a user to the system.
Copy all of the following text between the dotted lines, or forward a link to this article to all residents and users of the system:
You building is about to be upgraded with a new Intercom and access system. The Intercom lets you see and communicate with the caller before you let the person in to the building.
This is what you need to do:
- Download and install the Steplock Mobile App from App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
- After installation, create your account and log in.
- Keep an eye out for emails from Steplock Access that contain your activation codes. These codes are generated by your system administrator. If you haven't received it yet, don't worry - it will arrive soon. Remember to check your spam filter as well. With some e-mail providers, you may have to log in to web-mail, as mail can be stopped for forwarding to the computer's/mobile's mail program.
- Depending on which accesses you are set up with in the system, you may experience receiving codes for both eKey and intercom.
If you are to have both accesses, both codes must also be activated. - Once you receive your code, enter it into the app. For guidance on this process, refer to the section below titled 'How to Activate the App'.
Below, you'll find additional useful information to help you activate, set up, and use the Steplock App effectively
How to activate app: To activate the Steplock Mobile App, see the following link:
Activate StepLock Access mobile app - Permissions: Grant the app the necessary permissions. See the following link:
Disable 'optimised' battery usage: Android users may find that the phone's operating system limits the app's power usage, which can prevent incoming calls. To ensure you receive all calls, we recommend disabling the 'optimised battery usage' feature in your settings.
- How to do it: Turn Off Battery Optimisation (Android)
Samsung phones: On Samsung phones, you must allow the Steplock app permission to bypass 'data saving' to receive calls without WiFi.
How to do it: Allow StepLock mobile app to use data even when data saving is on -
Answering calls when iPhone is locked: Many users do not know how to answer a call from the intercom, when their iPhone is locked.
- Please see this demonstration for how to correctly answer the phone: Answer StepLock App when phone is in lock mode (iOS)
The phone number that the intercom calls from is:
- Primary number: 33 99 73 77
- Redundancy number: 75 98 70 38
- All residents should save these numbers as a contact on their mobile phone.
Step 2 - Verify Personal Information
It is crucial to confirm that you have the latest and updated information that the property owner wants to enter into the system. Typically, this includes:
- Apartment number (Optional)
- Full name (Optional)
- Email address (Mandatory - needed for activation code)
- Phone number (Mandatory - needed for functionality)
Access Control:
- Card/tag number (Mandatory - needed for functionality)
- PIN code (Mandatory - needed for functionality)
- Full name (Optional)
Ensure all mandatory information is accurately collected to guarantee the system's functionality.
Step 3 - Input the Verified Information Before Installation of the Hardware
Input the information prior to the onsite hardware installation, but only after the tenants have been informed as outlined in Step 1. This ensures that when the units go online, they will retrieve the already programmed system, allowing for immediate functionality testing. This approach facilitates a swift and straightforward installation process.
Step 4 - Schedule a One-hour Session with the Tenants
It is recommended to schedule a one-hour session with the tenants of the building. This meeting can help address any questions they may have and assist with phone configurations or other system-related setups in person.